Giulia Ciaramita defenses her doctoral thesis

Ene 2, 2024 | News

Last December 1st 2023, we witnessed the defense of the doctoral thesis of Giulia Ciaramita, doctoral student and collaborator of the GRAPE team.

The thesis, under the title Mediation in Language Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education was supervised by Noelia Ruiz Madrid, Inmaculada Fortanet Gómez, and Elisa Corino. This doctoral thesis has also carried out as an international joint supervision among the Universitat Jaume I (Spain), Unversità di Torino and Università di Genova (Italy).

Ciaramita’s research addresses the integration and teaching of mediation in secondary education in Spain and Italy, considering also the didactic material provided to teachers. Under a plurilingual and technology-mediated perspective, her investigation yields key results on this research gap and concludes with the design of a training course to improve teacher’s theoretical and practical knowledge on these concepts. Her thesis has adopted the form of a collection of articles, for which most of her research has already been peer-reviewed and published in accredited journals.

This investigation is framed in and derives as an outcome from TEMPLATE (TEchnology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education), an Erasmus+ KA201 research project (Ref. grant: 2020-1-IT02-KA201-0795531) ( , which involved the collaboration of 5 European institutions between 2020 and 2023 to explore and collaborate in the promotion of technology-mediated activities and plurilingualism in primary and secondary level schools Europe-wide.



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