Analysis and description of the multimodal and multimedia nature of academic genres in higher education. Digital academic communication in English.

Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital (Ref: CIAICO/2021/069)


The present project is focused on the multimodal and multimedia analysis of digital genres used in higher education teaching contexts. Mainly those employed by teachers who use English as a vehicular language in their content subjects. Our aim is to be able to define a framework of analysis for the definition of the generic multimodal nature of such digital genres as well as a pedagogical framework for the introduction of multimodal competence in such teaching practices. In fact, identifying the features of the new digital literacy and the role of generic models as the horizon of the comprehension processes of the new genres (Cybergenres) implies identifying the new competences derived from the new medium and the new discourse necessary in the language learning process as well as a special attention to the development of multimodal competence.

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Cybergenres and English as a Medium of Instruction. Multimodal analysis of digital academic genres and their pedagogical implications in Higher Education EMI contexts

The Spanish university system has accepted internationalization as part of its strategic plans. This has allowed the growth and consolidation of teaching in English in most universities in the country. This research field has been the objective of applied linguistics for years, paying attention to the academic genres that